2019 (en)
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- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 7153
We wish you a Happy New Year full of health, laughter, peace and prosperity.
We are just finishing the application form for our meeting in Pilsen. The application is going to be set on the internet site as well as on FB on 11. 1. at 11:11. At the same time, we will send it to all whose email addresses are available.
We are looking forward to seeing you in June !
Josef, Martina, Karel, Martin and Jirka
Kære venner,
Vi ønsker jer et rigtig godt Nytår fuld af godt helbred, glæde og succes i året der kommer.
Vi er i gang med, at færdiggøre tilmeldingsmaterialet til vores træf i Plzen. Materialet vil blive tilgængeligt på hjemmesiden og på vores FB profil d. 11. januar kl. 11:11. Vi vil samtidig sende materialet til de e-mail adresser vi har registreret.
Vi glæder os til at se jer i juni!
Next Škoda Tour will be held from
22nd to 29th of June 2019 in Czech Republic. We are going to meet in the hotel Darovanský dvůr near the town of Pilsen.
Contact :
ÚAMK-Automotoklub Škoda
V.Klementa 839
293 01 Mladá Boleslav
Czech Republic
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+420 606 615 370