Škoda Tour 2012 - Approaching
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- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 62147
From Liberec :Take the international road E442 – the motorway R35 into Turnov, then take the international road E65 (road no.10) into Železný Brod, then by the road no.292 passing Semily and the road no.14 passing Vrchlabí and Rudník into Mladé Buky. From there take the road no.296 into Svoboda nad Úpou and then the road no.297 into Janské Lázně.
OR : From Turnov take the international road E442 (road no.35) into Jičín and follow the way as described in the point „From Mladá Boleslav“.
- From Mladá Boleslav : Take the road no.16 passing Jičín, Nová Paka and Čistá u Horek into Dolní Kalná. From there take the road no.3255 passing Slemeno into Hostinné, then the road no.325 passing Arnultovice into Rudník and the road no.14 into Mladé Buky. From there take the road no.296 into Svoboda nad Úpou and then the road no.297 into Janské Lázně.
- From Praha (Prague) :Take the motorway D11 into Hradec Králové. From there take the international road E67 (road no.33) into Jaroměř and the road no.37 into Trutnov. From there take the road no.14 and no.296 into Svoboda nad Úpou and then the road no.297 into Janské Lázně.
OR : From Prague take the international road E65 (the motorway R10) into Mladá Boleslav and then follow the way as described in the point „From Mladá Boleslav“.
- From Brno : Take the international road E461 (road no.43) into Svitavy, then take the international road E442 (road no.35) into Hradec Králové. From there follow the way as described in the point „From Prague“.
- From Ostrava : Take the international road E442 (the motorway R35) passing Olomouc into Mohelnice, then take the international road E442 (road no.35) passing Moravská Třebová into Hradec Králové. From there follow the way as described in the point „From Prague“.
- From Náchod : Take the road no.14 passing Trutnov, then the road no.296 into Svoboda nad Úpou. From there take the road no.297 into Janské Lázně.
- From Královec : Take the road no.16 into Trutnov. From there take the road no.14 and no.296 into Svoboda nad Úpou. From there take the road no.297 into Janské Lázně.
A link to maps.google.com - http://g.co/maps/yk6eu
In emergency, use one of the following telephone numbers in the Czech Republic :
- 112 Universal Emergency Call – use only if health or life is in danger
- 150 Emergency call – Fire Brigade
- 155 Emergency call – Life Rescue – First Aid - Ambulance
- 158 Emergency call – Czech Police (ČR)
In case of defect
In the period from June 18th July 8th you can use VIP Assistance services of ÚAMK ČR:
In such a case, please, contact the reception of Škoda Tour 2012: +420 606 615 370
Assistance (free of charge):
- tyre replacement;
- delivery of 5 litres of fuel (only the fuel is paid);
- repair (maximum 30 minutes) to get your car to move;
- starting of the car;
- transportation (tow away) to the nearest garage;
- safe parking of your car up to 3 days, if your car is irreparable
Reception of the Škoda Tour and of the hotel Omnia :
- +420 606 615 370 Škoda Tour Reception at hotel Omnia
- +420 499 859 780 Hotel Omnia Reception
Reminder :
The motorway vignette (sticker) should be stuck on the windscreen, if you drive on the motorway in the Czech Republic. The vignette is bought at crossing borders, petrol stations etc.
The vignette in the CZECH REPUBLIC costs (for car up to 3,5 ton of weight) :
- Annual (R) 1 500 Kč
- Month (M) 440 Kč
- 10-day (D) 310 Kč
Auto camp of Automotoklub Skoda in Kosmonosy is available for you before and after the Skoda Tour 2012
Škoda Tour 2012 - Statistics
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- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 263435
Statistika / Statistics / Statistik - 16.6.2012
Škoda Tour 2012 - Accomodation
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- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 47298
Participants of the Škoda Tour 2012 will be accomodated in new hotel Omnia and three other nearby pensions. All of the rooms have their own shower/bath and toilet.
Škoda Tour 2012 - Program
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- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 44957
Here you can find the Program of our event.
Check-in at 2 p.m. and later.
Škoda Tour 2012 (en)
- Details
- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 40305
23.6.- 30.6.2012 - Jánské Lázně, Czech Republic
49th year of the international meeting will take place in a small spa town of Jánské Lázně situated on the foot of the mountain Černá hora.
Janské Lázně is a spa town well-known all over the world. It is the only spa resort on the Czech side of the Giant Mountains. Just for comparison, there are 12 spa resorts in the nearby Poland-Lower Silesia. This quiet town with extraordinary history is located at the foot of Černá hora (The Black Mountain) (1299 meters above sea level). The town is connected with the top of this mountain by a cable railway. Due to the newly built cable railways, ski-lifts and cross-country skiing tracks the town has become a top-level sports and recreation centre and a perfect base for trips into the highest Czech mountains, both for skiers in winter and for bicyclists and hikers in summer.
Participants will be accomodated in new hotel Omnia and in several nearby pensions.
Participants can use the facilities of the hotel as well as the chairlift of Černá hora, where you can take trips through the Krkonoše (Giant Mountains), or just admire the panorama of the highest mountains of the Czech Republic as well as the highest mountain Sněžka.
During the meeting will be held traditional sightseeing ride around the surrounding attractions - Rallye Škoda Tour, meeting of representatives of the participating clubs and during the Škoda-day an exhibition of vehicles of participants, meeting with representatives of Škoda-Auto, visiting the mayor of the town and a football match against a local team.